sexta-feira, 16 de junho de 2023


Negative – Past simple  ‘didn’t’

I lived – I not lived … I did not live

I loved – I didn’t love.

I did – I didn’t do.

I made – I didn’t make.


She didn’t expect the world

didn’t fly away from her reach

didn’t run away in her sleep

didn’t Dream of para-para-paradise

Every time she didn’t close her eyes


Interrogative – past simple

Do you like the song?

      Tu gostas da canção?

Did you like the song?

       Tu gostaste da canção?

Yes, I did.

No, I didn’t


You lived  - Did you live in Cartaxo?

You loved – Did you love me?

You did – Did you do the exercise?

You made – Did you make a cake?


From present to past

  Watch, listen and read

They just finished law school. They are looking for new jobs. They see an ad for a job opening at Torre & Associates. But they know it won't be easy.

Tom and his friends go to the office on the day of the interview. The hall is full of potential job candidates waiting to be interviewed.

Tom and his friends realized their chances of getting a job are pretty slim. So, they come up with an awesome plan.

The interviewer steps out of the office and calls for Mr. Goodman. Goodman is Bill's last name. So, he steps into the office. The interviewer looks at his resumé and asks, "What makes you think you qualify for this job?"

Bill pretends he is being harmed. He screams and makes a lot of noise. Joe pretends to be afraid. He stands up and walks out. The other interviewees start to leave too. They are scared out of their wits.

Bill continues to make a lot of noise. He slams himself against the wall. More interviewees start to leave. Meanwhile, Bill opens the door and hurls himself across the hall.

Everyone else leaves too...except for Tom. The interviewer looks at him dumbfounded and says, 'next'. Tom just smiles and waves.

segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2023

sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2023

Soft skills

What are soft skills?

1 - Learn about Soft skills


2 - Do you have any of these skills?  


1.            Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management

2.            Communication

3.            Decisiveness and confidence

4.            Flexibility and multitasking

5.            Leadership

6.            Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

7.            Problem Solving

8.            Responsibility and dependability

9.            Self-Motivation

10.         Teamwork


2.1 - Give me a context (in your life) where you developed three of the skills above.


2.2 - Give me a name, or names, from your life experience, of references (someone that would confirm your skill).


3 - Include those skills, contexts and references in your CV

EXTRA: Are you interested in soft skills? You can learn more!

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